
Dividedly Whole Chapter 3

Deviation Actions

dreamroyale's avatar

Literature Text

“You’re about to nod off into your food.” Katara noted.
Zuko jerked his chin from his chest. “I didn’t sleep last night.”
“Sorry, Mom.” Mika ducked her head. “It’s my fault. I kept him up talking.”
Zuko smiled. “I was up before you were, Mika. It’s not your fault.”
“She tried to wake me up, though.” Kenai announced, proud to be part of the loop.
“Well, we’ll need our energy for today.” Katara said. “Ships are hard to travel on.”
Zuko grunted and sipped his tea. “Don’t I know it?”
“Are you two done packing?” Katara asked.
“I’ve still got a few things.” Kenai said, sticking his eggs with a chopstick.
“Don’t play with your food, Kenai.” Katara said and turned to her husband, already nodding off. “Zuko!”
“Hm? I’m awake… I’m awake…”
She wiped bits of breakfast from his chin with her thumb. “Maybe this vacation will let you rest a little easier.”
“Vacation?” Zuko asked sarcastically.
“Why don’t you two go and finish packing.” Katara suggested.
“I’m done, though.” Mika protested.
“Well, go help Grandfather pack.”
The children skipped out of the banquet hall, and servants swept away their dishes.
“It’s not a vacation.” Zuko said sternly. “It’s an obligation.”
“If you think of it that way, it will be.” Katara countered. “In my opinion, it’ll be nice to get away from the palace for awhile… You’ve been so busy lately.”
Zuko wrapped his hand around hers. “I’m Fire Lord, Katara.”
“I realize this, Zuko.” Katara answered. “But you carry your work to sleep, as well. Even when you close your eyes, I hear you mutter things you have to do the next day! Aang did tell you that you take too much responsibility on yourself.”
“Fire Lord,” Zuko chimed again.
“And a Fire Lord has scribes and generals to help you! Just last week you went yourself to settle a local dispute.”
“Are you saying I shouldn’t-.”
“What I’m saying is that you can’t do all these things yourself! It isn’t possible!”
Zuko sighed. “We’ll talk about it when we get back.”
Katara slumped back in her chair. “You said that last week when you went away, too.”
“Well, I mean it this time.” Zuko mumbled, rising to his feet. “Will you come with me to the docks? I want to make sure everything’s in order.”
“I have to supervise the children.” Katara said unhappily. “And then we’ll all accompany you.”
She pushed back her chair and left the banquet hall as well, leaving Zuko to stare forlornly at the empty table.
“Vacation,” Zuko muttered, startling a servant whisking Katara’s plate off of the table.


Kenai pulled Mika onto the ship’s deck, gasping at its size.
“I thought we’d have one of those dinky little rowboats the water benders have!” Kenai marveled. “This thing is huge!”
“You’re standing on the largest passenger ship in the Fire Nation navy, your highness,” the captain remarked proudly.
Mika tugged on her brother’s hand. “Come on, Kenai! Mom will be wondering where we are!”
“Hang on, Mika… Captain, can we see the poop deck?”
“Very funny, Kenai.” Mika glowered. “Let’s go!”
Kenai allowed himself to be pulled away, back down onto the dock, where servants and guards were in a flurry, scurrying to put all luggage and gifts onto the ship, and guards were watching the other boats around the dock with critical eyes. Kenai would have liked to have a seat on the wooden planks and watch the commotion, but Mika kept him going, pushing him through the crowds until they got to their mother. Katara hovered over a list, running her finger down the items and occasionally looking up to make an order.
“Can we help, Mom?” Kenai asked sweetly.
“Would you find your father for me?” Katara asked, without looking up from her paper. “And see if your grandfather’s coming down soon. We’re leaving in an hour.”
“Okay!” Kenai and Mika chorused and rushed towards the palace.
“Where do you think Dad is?” Mika asked as they flew up the front stairs and passed the massive guards posted at the doors.
Kenai shrugged. “The last time I saw him he was in the war room, reviewing with his generals.”
They sped off in that direction, veering down a grand hallway with vaulted ceilings and flickering lamps. Iroh was seated outside the door, bent over a cup of tea.
“There you are.” Iroh said, smiling. “Your father asked me to watch out for you.”
“Can we see him?” Kenai asked.
“He’s busy keeping them on task, but he’ll be done in a few minutes.”
“Well, are you ready to go, Grandfather?” Mika asked. “Mom says we have to leave in an hour.”
Iroh nodded. “But let’s not go down to the ship just yet. I’ve been on the sea long enough to last me the rest of my years… You know, I haven’t seen you two bend in awhile. Why don’t we go out to the courtyard and you can show off for me?”
“Okay!” Kenai exclaimed, tugging Iroh up onto his feet.
Mika sighed. She was never too up to showing off, and although Iroh was always enthusiastically interested in her bending, she never felt as if she was good enough. Her family had a long history of being great benders, and she always feared she wouldn’t come to par.
Kenai, on the other hand, loved to show off. He never understood why anyone could stand not to bend. Zuko and Katara forbid him from bending at public sanctions, at the dinner table, or around things that shouldn’t get wet, including the royal library. Kenai especially hated the rule about dinner. He was sorely tempted to try bending his juice onto Mika’s head, but any time he even thought about it, his mother would glare at him, as if she knew exactly what he was thinking of doing. However, after his tenth birthday he was allowed to carry a pouch of water at his hip.
Kenai led Iroh and Mika to the courtyard and found a bench for Iroh. Mika seated herself next to him, resting her cheek on his shoulder. They watched Kenai dance around spirals of water, explaining to his fire bending companions what he was doing (even if they already knew, for the tenth time).
“Very good, Kenai.” Iroh said, nodding. “Mika?”
“Do I have to?” She complained.
“Show him that thing Dad taught you the other day.” Kenai urged.
Mika sighed and dragged herself in front of them. She prepared her stance, taking a breath. Slowly, but without fault, she executed a flame that swirled around her, a cocoon of fire.
Kenai applauded. “Very good, Mika!”
She smiled, despite herself.
“You both have your parents’ abilities.” Iroh said, grinning at the both of them.


Katara set down her scroll.
“What else, milady?” A servant asked from her side.
“Just the family.” Katara sighed. “Have you seen them?”
“Lord Zuko is coming down to the dock, I believe, and I’ll go find your children and General Iroh.”
“Thank you,” Katara answered.
“Fire Lord Zuko on deck.” A soldier bellowed.
The men dropped what they were doing and stood at attention. Katara turned her head to see him stride purposefully toward her, nodding his head at his soldiers.
“At ease,” he called. He kissed Katara’s cheek.
“Hey, you.” She smiled. “Are you set?”
“I think I am, and I’ve found a scribe who’s going to give my speech.” He smiled at the fierce look she gave him. “I’m joking, Katara.”
“You’d better be. This convention means a lot to Aang.”
“I know.” Zuko glanced down the dock, watching his children sprint towards them, flanked by his uncle.
Katara tugged his attention back to her. “If you’re good on our trip, I’ll let you take a ride on Appa, too.”
Zuko snorted. “I would love that Katara. I’ll be a good boy…. Well,” He smiled down at Kenai and Mika. “Are my little hooligans ready?”
They giggled. Mika tugged on her father’s hand. “Can we really go all the way up to see the captain’s wheel?”
Zuko shrugged. “If you’d like.”
The children tore down the dock and sped up the ramp, despite the apparent procession the family was supposed to be taking.
“Discipline.” Katara remarked blandly. “I suppose we didn’t have time for that.”
“Do we have to start that now?” Zuko muttered.
“Oh, right,” Katara said, rolling her eyes. “That’s to wait after we get back, isn’t it?”
“Katara…” Zuko groaned.
“I sense some tension.” Iroh said dryly.
“Ah, see? Even your uncle is more receptive.” Katara said pointedly. She rushed ahead of them to catch up with Kenai and Mika.
Zuko turned to Iroh. “Did you have to stir it up?”
“If I’m not mistaken, I believe you stirred it up, nephew.”
I realize now my title makes no sense, but hey, neither do any of my titles, so it's quaintly dream royale.
In case you didn't catch that last comment on chapter one...

Mika and Kenai are property of zutara-shewolf777. All other characters and settings are the property of Avatar the Last Airbender, Nickelodeon Studios.

Chapter One [link]
Chapter Two [link]
Chapter Three [link]
Chapter Four [link]
Chapter Five [link]
Chapter Six [link]
Chapter Seven [link]
Chapter Eight [link]
Chapter Nine [link]
Chapter Ten [link]
Chapter Eleven [link]
© 2006 - 2024 dreamroyale
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IcEKoLd's avatar
Jeez Dream!!! This is AWESOME! I'm glad you put it in little chunks. (LOTS of little chunks lol) I always look forward to reading the next piece. :D Katara is so grown up, and Zuko is such a Fire Lord, with so much on his shoulders. He really does need Katara to help him realize that. Aye, and Kenai's ever so unsatisfied curiousity of exploring the boat! (poop deck LOL) I got that he made a joke from Mika's comment. I totally love the kid's personalities.